DJ'z Adam & Angel: Ghosts & Worms 3

Worship the Worm!

Give Tribute to Shai-Hulud! The worms are boring into the ear cannal of your Mind-Face. You will become parasitic host to the Aerosol Dreams of Valley Dudes on a Green Fuz/Hot Smoke and Sasafrass bender listening to power pop leaking out of L.A. Meanwhile in Chicago WGN remanisices of the Roots of Rock and Roll and Dead Time Summer Blues. Suckers Relax! coz we have the mike!

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Animation Meditation: Andrew Grant

Adaptive Reuse

This improvisational animation was made with junk found scattered around UIC campus, and my neighborhood Washington Park. Many of the scenes are site specific, shot on the fly based on what materials presented themselves. I used stop-motion because it requires a hands-on approach, and I wanted to maintain the materiality of the objects that were being repurposed from their junk/trash context. In this sense, the film is about adding new value through attention and reuse.

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