WholesomeRadio Album Feature: Omar Rodríguez-López & John Frusciante

Omar Rodríguez-López & John Frusciante is a trip of emotions since each song uses instruments differently - particularly the electronically produced layers in each song. Tracks like LOE and the end of VTA are like a rock version of white noise, insofar as they take you out of the space you are in with melodic guitar and simple rhythms. On the other hand, the guitar on 4:17 AM is so soft that it makes room for the accompanying electronic music gives the track a galactic feel.

The song 0 easily stands out from the album with guitar as a clear lead in the music. The background music highlights and extends the guitar flow, and its almost as if the guitar is a singer in the song, despite this album having no lyrics.

While some of the songs emanate a red, fiery sound, the beginning of VTA transports you to the bright colors of arcade carpeting with its sound of purple, green, yellow and blue.

The album as a whole fills the entire room it is played in with an ethereal atmosphere. As much as it takes the listener out of this world, the music manages to bring forth a wooden and earthy feel.

To top it all off, the album is tied together by the first and last songs, 4:17 AM and 5:45 AM, since they both share the beginning guitar riff and outer-space feel.

Check out more from the artists below!

More from Omar Rodríguez-López

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More from John Frusciante

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