Posts in Zine
What is WholesomeRadio Club?

WholesomeRadio Club is a monthly online virtual gathering of WholesomeRadio DJs and music aficionados. We chat about music, online stream sessions, drive-in music shows, things related to music, and other what have-you's. Suggested discussion topics and activities are welcome, whadya want to do? Karaoke? Who wants to do Karaoke? Fun time come and join the party. WholesomeRadio Club is a party!

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The Doctor is in: The Good Doctor’s Christmas Eve House Call!

Dennis Render - a.k.a ‘Doc’/’The Good Doctor’ has been around music for years. As a former singer and current DJ, his goal is to always leave listeners asking for more. As he says, ‘music should create a memory, rekindle a memory or just make you feel good’. Hence the nickname ‘DOC’. Join Doc’s first show of many - “The Good Doctor’s Christmas Eve House Call” from 4PM – 8PM CT. It promises to put you in the holiday spirit with Sounds of the Season!!

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Congrats to Neptune's Core #1 on CHIRP Radio!

Thanks to CHIRP RADIO for helping Neptune's Core - Can't Have It All to reach Number 1 for the week of 9/21/2020! (I think there's a typo on CHIRP site, hehe however much we'd like it to not be true it's 2020) Recorded right here at WholesomeStudio where new rooms are still available. In the spirit of the times here's Postcard telling you to VOTE!

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