Halt, Motherf%@*ers!
New signs up at WholesomeStudio!
No folks without a mask allowed in the space. Just a reminder that Wholesome has your back!

See if you can find all the signs up at Wholesome! Tag us on Insta (@wholesomezine) to let us know when you spot one!
While you're at it, throw on our WholesomeRadio! There are some great shows to round out the shit show that is 2020.
Do you still need to get a gift for yer sweeties back home this Holiday season? Check out our new t-shirt designs! Or better yet, you could get them a recording studio or some hours to use one! new monthly studios are on the way and the hourly studio is available at a discount when you buy in bulk.
The Wholesome Team wishes all a happy and healthy Holiday season!