Album Feature: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

If you feel lost in your life or are tired of what other people have to say, Immerse yourself in the cloudy, nostalgic sound of The Sundays. Listen to the acoustic jangle of David Gavurin’s guitar layered below his spacious electric leads that lay a perfect foundation for Harriet Wheeler’s soaring vocals. Put on this album on a lazy winter day and let it think for you for a while.

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Soul Station π: UK Mod Psych '68 2

This second excursion into British Mod Psych features many tracks that were not released in the US so much might not be familiar even to devotees. There is also much organ here especially in the second set. Join me for a divers take on this scene.

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Conceived during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Temps is an experimental Hip Hop collective overseen by Acaster and featuring heavy contributions from abstract hip hop heavyweights such as Quelle Chris, Xenia Rubinos, Open Mike Eagle and NNAMDI and their insane debut is an album like no other.

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