New Post: Newcomer
What up 2022!
Hey! Names’ Marcus, and I just started as an intern at WholesomeZine, and can I just say WholesomeZine is freaking amazing.
Straight from the get-go I knew I was going to have a blast and have a great time doing work for WholesomeZine and exploring the Wholesome complex as well.
WholesomeZine has so much stuff to offer, to the point where upcoming artists, such as myself, and musicians can rent out spaces to help produce and create music. And again, you have no idea how many musicians or upcoming bands would rent out a space at WholesomeStudio and perform so amazing. Not only do they rent the spaces but also, they receive recognition and have the chance to be expressed through the internet and featured by WholesomeZine themselves.
WholesomeZine not only explores new artists but also explores their origins, and finds underground bands that may one day become global. WholesomeZine is a site where you can get an exclusive look at soon-to-be popular bands in their prime. And I cannot wait to to be cooperating with WholesomeZine, exploring the complex, new upcoming bands, and artists.