New Showz in October 2022
Ooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... WholesomeRadio!
Ooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Do you hear that?... Is that the wind?
Ooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... WholesomeRadio! Ooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Do you hear that?... Is that the wind?
Image by Lou Jenkins
The tale of The Legfish Pumpkin and The Radio
Once upon an internet wavelength, while I searched for music, tired and without strength.
I fell asleep on the keyboard, and suddenly I heard a chord. As of someone gently
musically talking through the flow. "Tis some WholesomeRadio show?" I said. "Playing at my speaker box”, "Only this and nothing else rocks"
Soon again I heard a show somewhat louder than before. I turned up the volume, when, with many songs and voices from the dancefloor, in there I saw LegFish on top of a pumpkin; I said “What show is this, and how do you know?" With scales, a tail, and a big toe the Legfish said nothing else but "WholesomeRadio"
Throughout a strange freaky month I kept hearing, imagining, and feeling the following...
I heard voices speaking of Beach Boys and Evil M Louve.
"This sounds like Let's Make A Show?" I muttered.
I imagined an explanation to fullest of genre and height.
"This must be Soul Station Pi?" I whispered.
I felt a howl and a shock of variable of song and story.
"This has to be Radio Lobo Show?" I blabbered.
"But what of the mystery show of the month?” I said. The one that I will listen to on the patio. There stood the Legfish on top of pumpkin said nothing else but "WholesomeRadio"
I shall listen for the feeling of sound and imagine freedom of song for stranded ears. For the Legfish on the pumpkin only wishes to be seen and heard only saying "WholesomeRadio"
Stay tuned to WholesomeRadio for all these brand new showz and more!
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What does Radio Lobo Show sound like? Click here to listen to the latest episode.