New July Showz 2021
Image by Nell McKeon
Musical Fireworks and other illuminations
New Showz in July are underway. WholesomeRadio just premiered The Good Doc's 4th of July Musical Fireworks. We got new Soul Station Pi shows every friday night at 7PM CDT. We also have Radio Lobo Show 53 and possibly an extra treat. Angry Pilgrim is back with new summer episodes of Karmic Link. This month's WholesomeRadio Club 7 is preparing for a in-person edition of the musical gathering. So.. Stay tuned to WholesomeRadio for all these brand new showz and maybe a less than wholesome comeback.
How y'all like the new showz? Give us some feedback in the comments below or email us at:
What does Karmic Link sound like? Click here to listen to the latest Karmic Link show
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