New Showz in January 2023
Image by Dani Johnson
Happy New Year 2023!
Everything Everywhere All at Once is a Sci-fi Fantasy Comedy Adventure film that I saw in 2022, I recommend watching this film. Let's Make A Show will start the new years with new discussions on music and popular culture. Soul Station Pi will greet students of music back with hopefully a sweet schooling show. Radio Lobo Show is mysterious and will reappear in the future or past or present all at once. - Lobo
"The Only Thing I Do Know Is That We Have To Be Kind. Please, Be Kind. Especially When We Don't Know What's Going On." — Waymond.
Stay tuned in January to WholesomeRadio for all these brand new showz and more! How y'all like the new showz? Give us some feedback by email at:
What does Soul Station Pi sound like? Click here to listen to the latest episode.