WholesomeRadio Album Feature: Halfway / Brooklyn Baby by Flipturn
The band Flipturn may hail from sunny Fernandina Beach, Florida but they understand the intricate and dynamic sounds of classic midwest emo and combine it with a hint of modern folk music to create a very signature sound that could appeal to even the most melancholy listeners in the gray city of Chicago. Their newest EP “Halfway / Brooklyn Baby'' features the two new title songs, plus the upbeat song “Playground,” which came out as a single earlier this year. While sticking to their tried and true aesthetics, the band continues to give listeners a taste of what is to come on their upcoming album that is still waiting to be released.
by Amanda Burris
3 out of 3 Legfish
You can find this EP, and more work from Flipturn on their website, Spotify, and Apple Music